First we would like to thank everyone for visiting our site. We try and keep the latest news for all current and retired veterans.
Now, we would like to introduce two wonderful people, Joe Little and William O'Keeffe. Joe and William are seniors, Joe, will be going into the Marine Corps soon after graduation. They have spearheaded a great movement that will benefit many veterans and their famillies in the coming future, by setting up a support system that will enable vets and their families to draw from when needed. But, without support from all of us, it will be a harder task than need be.
We are asking all that visit our site, to take the time and read their dream of helping veterans. Their web site is as follows;
With the support of all of us, together we can indeed make that much needed difference! Please take the time to do what ever you can to make this wonderful effort a great success. You can also contact us through this website, and we will forward all to Joe and William
Thank You